The final part...
- Utah - The California Gull, Larus californicus, had unofficially been considered the state bird since 1848. It was not until 1955 that the Utah House of Representatives had promoted it officially. It is still only officially stated as a 'sea gull' for a state bird; unofficially it has been chosen as the California Gull.
- Vermont - The Hermit Thrush, Catharus guttatus, was established as the official state bird in 1941. It was selected because it has a distinctive sweet call and because it is found in all 14 Vermont counties. Its habitat is the ground and it usually eats on or near the ground.
- Virginia - The Northern Cardinal (male [left] & female), Cardinalis cardinalis, was adopted as the official state bird of the Commonwealth of Virginia in 1950.
- Washington - From 1928 school children were allowed to vote for birds, narrowing it down. Until in 1951, the Willow Goldfinch (aka American Goldfinch), Carduelis tristis, was voted for by school children as the best and the Legislature made it unanimous.
- West Virginia - There was the state of Virginia before there was the state of W. Virginia, but W. Virginia adopted the Northern Cardinal (male [left] & female), Cardinalis cardinalis, before Virginia did. (You figure that one out.) The cardinal won the honors over the Tufted Titmouse in 1949 and was adopted by the House Concurrent Resolution in the same year.
- Wisconsin - In 1926-27, school children voted to select a state bird. The American Robin, Turdus migratorius, recieved twice the votes over any other bird and was officially made the state bird in 1949.
- Wyoming - The Western Meadowlark, Sturnella neglecta, was adopted as the official state bird in 1927.
- District of Columbia - I read that it is not a state and that it is only a city. Even so, it has the Wood Thrush, Hylocichla mustelina, for its state bird.
- Guam - Ko'ko or Guam Rail, Gallirallus owstoni, is the territorial bird of Guam. It only appears in Guam, nowhere else and it use to fly - thousands of years ago. Now it does not fly and it is endangered due to being easy prey for the brown tree snake. It seems the only life of this species left is in snake proof enclosure for now.
- Northern Mariana Islands - The Mariana Fruit-dove, Ptilinopus roseicapilla, was adopted as the official bird of the Commonwealth Northern Mariana Islands in 1989. I am not positive, but it seems that the brown tree snake is also endangering this bird.
- Puerto Rico - The Puerto Rican Spindalis, Spindalis portoricensis, is the official bird of U.S. Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. It is similar to the tanagers that we have here and can be attracted with sugar solutions.
- U.S. Virgin Islands - The Bananaquit, (also Yellow Breast) Coereba flaveola, was adopted as the official bird of the Virgin Islands in 1970 by a Legislative Act. Did you know that they are easily attracted by putting out bowls of sugar?
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