The state bird list continues...
- Michigan - Here we have one other state which chose the American Robin, Turdus migratorius. In 1931, the Michigan Senate all agreed upon on the robin as their state bird.
- Minnesota - For several years a few different birds were open for the position. First there was the American Goldfinch in 1926 by the Women's Clubs; certain community citizens wanted the blue heron; some wanted the Veery; others the White-throated sparrow but the most were for the 'goldfinch'. More of our feathered friends also came up before it was finally approved in 1961 by the House of Representatives that the Common Loon, Gavia immer, would be the official state bird. In the breeding plumage, head and neck black with white bands on neck and back black with white spots. In winter, the crown, hindneck and upperparts dark grayish; throat and underparts white.
- Mississippi - Women's Federated Clubs of Mississippi chose the mockingbird and a projected law was argued for and passed in 1944 making the Northern Mockingbird or, Mimus polyglottos, the official state bird.
- In 1974 they chose the Wood Duck (male[right] & female), Aix sponsa, as their state waterfowl. A beautiful, crested, multicolored duck. Male patterned in pearly greens, purples and blues, with a white chin-patch and face stripes which were like night and day; the bill was mainly red and it has long tail. Female is grayish with a broad white eye ring.
- Missouri - In 1927 the native Eastern Bluebird (male [top] & female), Sialia sialis, became the official state bird. It is the real symbol of happiness. It is a regular bird in Missouri.
- Montana - By a vote of school children the meadowlark was first chosen. Then the Montana Legislature selected the Western Meadowlark, Sturnella neglecta, as the official state bird in 1931.
- Nebraska - At a Nebraska Federation of Women's Clubs, five birds were chosen in 1928 to be given to the State Legislature. In 1929 the Western Meadowlark, Sturnella neglecta, was adopted as the official state bird. (Gee, that seems familiar.)
- Nevada - The Mountain Bluebird, Sialia currucoides, was selected in the 1930's by citizens, children included. It was not made state bird officially until 1967 when the state legislature passed the bill.
- New Hampshire - In 1957, the Purple Finch (male), Carpodacus pupureus was voted the official state bird. The little Purple Finch, backed by - Audubon Society of New Hampshire, the New Hampshire Federation of Garden Clubs and the State Federation of Women's Clubs - knocked over its competition, a hen. The female and the young are basically just streaked with brown.
- New Jersey - The Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey designated the 'Eastern Goldfinch', American Goldfinch, Carduelis tristis, as the state bird in 1935.
- New Mexico - The Greater Roadrunner, Geococcyx californianus, was designated as the official state bird in 1949. Even though it can fly for short periods, it spends most of its time running. Its nickname is the Chaparral Cock. It is a large bird that is an overall dark brown with white streaking and a bushy crest. At close range, there is a colorful red and blue area around the eye that is visible.
- New York - The American Robin was initially as the state bird years earlier until it was determined that the Eastern Bluebird (male [top] & female), Sialia silis, was more popular. In 1970 Governor Nelson Rockefeller signed the bluebird in as the official state bird.
Thank you Clare.